Professionally recorded phone messages

Stand out from your competitors, explain your products and services, and provide a better caller experience with professionally recorded greetings and on hold messages.

Enhance your brand

Professionally recorded on hold messages and greetings will enhance your company’s brand. Male and female voice-over artists record your message using high-quality equipment. They have clear enunciation and exceptional voice skills to convey your message in a friendly, pleasant manner.

movox on-hold messages and recorded greeting plans


You can use on hold messages and recorded greetings to promote new products and business developments, provide instructions, answer frequently asked questions and keep callers entertained whilst on hold.

On-hold and recorded greeting plans

Our on-hold message and recorded greeting plans are available on an annual subscription. With support included, we’ll be available when you need to update a message or greeting, add new option, or change your opening and closing hours.

movox on-hold message plan

movox business hours message plan

movox automated menu greeting

movox voicemail greeting plan

Tips and ideas

Our on-hold message and recorded greeting plans are available on an annual subscription. With support included, we’ll be available when you need to update a message or greeting, add new option, or change your opening and closing hours.

What do you say?

This about the most common reason customers call you and what’s the up-sell? That’s the focus of your first message. You can use your on hold message to tell customers about new products and developments or answer frequently asked questions.

Make sure you’re telling them something of benefit, something to make waiting on-hold entertaining.

Tips to enhance your on hold messages

On hold messages shouldn’t run any longer than two minutes, in fact one minute should be enough.

Why? how long are you planning on keeping your customers on hold for? don’t repeat your business name every ten-seconds – After all, your customer called you — they already know who you are.

If your phone system has problematic on hold messaging, you’re likely to cause further annoyance to an already irate person. Solving their problems isn’t something that you can leave to automated voice messages.

Be short and sharp

Just five to ten-seconds per thought. If you tease their intrigue they can ask you for more detail when they return to the call.

Use professionally recorded messages

A small nuisance like minimal static might not cause annoyance, but an unprofessional on-hold message certainly will. Banking on in-house resources such as your employees recording your on hold messages might seem cost-efficient, but the poor quality of the recording could backfire. To avoid this, hire professional voice talents for your company’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems.

Keep callers engaged with on-hold music

Your company’s on-hold music should be relaxing, well-modulated (not too loud or too soft), and on-brand. If you don’t have the right recording equipment, hire professionals. Otherwise, your message may end up sounding distorted and the recording may produce static. It’s a small thing, but it can spell the difference between keeping customers and driving them away.

Offer an easy way to speak to a person

To solve time-sensitive issues such as overcharged billing or an ongoing service issue, customers would rather speak to someone who can reverse a charge or file an urgent customer report. Businesses that rely too much on recorded messages that spin a complex web of voice prompts risk frustrating their customers.

Companies that deal with a large volume of inquiries can combine the efficiency of an automated menu and personalised assistance by offering an option that lets callers quickly get connected to a customer service representative.

Direct callers to the right person

If your business receives a large volume of calls, be more efficient and personalised by offering an automated menu option that connects callers quickly to the right person.

An automated menu can also dispense non-critical information such as business operating hours, special offers, and minor account updates.

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